الاثنين، 24 أغسطس 2009

Egypt Tour packages from Dubai

Are You Planning to Travel to Egypt From Dubai or Abu Dhabi you should consider choosing one of our 
Egypt tours From Dubai? We offer Amazing Tour Packages From Dubai Start with Cairo to Visit the Famous Pyramids of Giza and the Old City then you can visit Luxor Highlights like Valley of the Kings and the marvelous temples of Luxor if you got more time we still can do Nile Cruise between Luxor And Aswan not to miss any of the famous Historical Sights of Egypt also you can have more time by the Red Sea Beaches Enjoying the Water Activities our tours modified according to your time and your preferences our team will help you to plan a lifetime trip to Egypt. 

Go on a Nile cruise and get to know the fascinating land from the water, visit the world-famous pyramids, temples.

Travel to Egypt and the land of the Pharaoh From Dubai by choosing one of our big selections of Egypt tour packages from Dubai.

Tourists like to spend their vacation in Egypt because of the beaches on the Red Sea and take this opportunity not only to relax under the sun, but explore sea snorkeling or diving.

On a trip to Egypt, the pyramids and other attractions from the time of the Pharaohs are often on the itinerary Nile cruises are another way to get to know the country with its long history.

the Oasis of the western desert not far away from the nile Valley. The religious past or present is reflected in Islamic, Coptic and Jewish buildings.

Book a tour package to Egypt from Dubai, Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai Peninsula is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Red Sea.

For culture lovers, Egypt is the ideal destination: visit the unique historical sites, such as the Pyramids of Giza or the Temple of Karnak. The best way to discover the cultural assets of Egypt with one of our Nile cruises, in a relaxed way to experience the highlights of Egypt. Choose any of our Egypt tour packages From Dubai or Abu Dhabi or anywhere in UAE.

But still more to do in Egypt specially to spend some time in one of the Nile cruises exploring the historical sites between Luxor and Aswan for sure not to miss Cairo top attractions like the pyramids, Coptic and Islamic Cairo


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